

2021-05-12 17:36:57
来源: 互联网整理,仅供参考


GBTG, Subverting the World with DNA of Artworks!


Keynes, the modern macro-economist, once said in the Economics of Artwork Market that “collection is to purchase the artworks that you are interested in, while investment is to purchase the artworks that others are interested in”. Keynes started to collect artworks in his thirties with successively invested 17,000 pounds whose total values are estimated to exceed RMB 700 million by 2018. He considered that the collection of artworks is the absolutely prudent investment and is one of the important parts for the asset allocation of high-end wealth management.



Artwork is a kind of product with high additional value. However, for artwork lovers around the world, the drawbacks and defects in the artwork market have not been improved, such as the difficulty in verifying the authenticity of artworks, the lack of uniform authoritative standards for valuation, the non-transparency of authorized mechanism and the complexity of and risks in transaction path, which causes that the global market for the counterfeit and fraud of artworks and collections is worth of 6 billion dollars, nearly accounting for one tenth of the total transaction volumes of artworks.


Foundation 4 Arts is an independent and nonpartisan non-profit institution for the promotion of global economy, culture, technology and art, and has intensively created an excellent platform for the communication of global cultures and arts with possessing the large number of talents, resources and relationship networks around the world. With fully taking advantages of the rich experiences in organizing the art-related academic lectures, art exhibitions and special topic forums, the foundation has promoted a large number of projects beneficial to the global cooperation and communication of all fields, continuously deepening the cooperation and communication of countries in these fields.

在全球艺术品市场需求驱动下,美国第四艺术基金会凭借敏锐的市场趋势变化的嗅觉和对艺术品交易存在的弊端,当区块链技术不断成熟和商业应用不断在其他行业推广并给行业带来颠覆性创新的时候,美国第四艺术基金会迅速利用区块链分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的新型应用模式,以及它去中心化、开放性、自治性、信息不可篡改、匿名性是其主要特点,为艺术品交易植入区块链技术的基因,开创性地让全球艺术品进入区块链时代,基于区块链的艺术品流通交易通证生态平台(Gold Bit for Growth)应势崛起。

Driven by the demand for the global artwork market and relying on the acute perception for the change of market trend and the drawbacks existed in the artwork transaction, when the blockchain technology continuously becomes mature and is commercially applied and promoted in other industries with bringing the subversive innovations, Foundation 4 Arts quickly makes use of the new-type application model of the computer technology, such as the distributed data storage of blockchain, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism and encryption algorithm, with the main characteristics of decentration, openness, self-governance, tamper-resistance of information and anonymity, to implant the gene of blockchain for the artwork transaction and firstly bring the global artworks into the blockchain era. Thus, Gold Bit for Growth, a blockchain-based ecological platform for the circulation and exchange token of artworks is created.


GBTG initiates the “blockchain+artwork” model in the artwork transaction industry and is based on the blockchain technology and idea to create the decentralized transaction platform of artworks, restore the identity of numbers and build the diversified decentralized art community. In addition, GBTG is committed to expound the ideas of global original arts through the application of blockchain technology. The blockchain technology and “blockchain+artwork” innovative model will “energize” for the transaction of world traditional art treasures once gain and accelerates the reconstruction of the industrial ecology of the whole transaction market of global artworks.

美国第四艺术基金会在全球各地,特别是在中美文化艺术交流中扮演了重要的角色。通过独特的创意与运筹,美国第四艺术基金会将中国的绘画、书法、漆器、刺绣、木工、篆刻、内画、雕塑等艺术品推向国际大舞台。其中瑞艺通(REART)艺术品众筹DAPP为美国第四艺术基金会(FOUNDATION 4 ARTS)采用不可篡改、唯一性、共识机制的底层技术,开发的一款新型社交DAPP,未来将实现去中心化、分布式存储加区块链技术流通于全球艺术文化帝国,为全球文化艺术收藏者创造一个文化艺术收藏的专业性平台。

Foundation 4 Arts plays an important role in the communication of global cultures and arts, especially the communication of cultures and arts between China and US. For example, Foundation 4 Arts has brought Chinese artworks, such as painting, calligraphy, lacquer

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